Becca Webb teaches Business + Marketing Classes to other Artists + Craftspeople


Becca has been selling her unique designs for 15 years, during which she has created award-winning displays + sold out much of what she makes. Becca is passionate about running a creative business and has taken many courses dedicated to the subject of craft sales + marketing.


The goal of this class is to provide a roadmap for you to make what you love + sell it at full price to enthusiastic, encouraging fans whenever + wherever you choose. 

Along the way, we’ll learn: 

  • how to supply yourself with a steady stream of beautiful images to use across your platforms  (images that inspire your audience buy what you make)

  • how to get more enthusiastic buyers to your current shows + events

  • the basics of a beautiful website + online shop

  • the keys to growing a following + a tribe on social media

  • understanding “branding” and how it can benefit your business

This class might be for you if . . .

  • you’re ready to sell your work for what it’s worth to an enthusiastic loyal fan-base

  • you’re tired of schlepping to expensive shows + markets only to achieve mediocre sales

  • you want to make more of what you love + less of what “will sell”

  • you’d like to sell from your own beautiful website

  • you no longer want to give percentages of your sales to others

  • you’re interested in what’s involved in turning a hobby into a more full-time gig

Becca is lovely, and truly an inspiration! She put her passion into the class - she’s a great teacher.
— 2019 student

CRAFT SHOW SUCCESS : The Basics of Display, Sales, + Promotion

Do you have a craft or hobby that you've considered selling at a Farmer’s Market or Craft Fair? Or maybe you've already made an attempt, but were disappointed with the results? This class is for you.

You will learn the basics of designing + setting up a simple, attractive, and easily transportable display. We will dissect one of Two Potters' show/market set-ups, and talk interactively about what to consider when building one of your own. We'll also discuss the do's + dont’s of interacting with shoppers, and many other useful tips.

I felt uplifted and encouraged when the class was over. It was a generous amount of information.
— 2019 student